Two persons with swedish ancestors were interested to find any living relatives in Sweden.
One of the emigrants emigrated in 1900, the other 1912.
The information I got was quite vague, but thanks to the CDs "Emibas" and "Emigranten Populär" I managed to find their emigration parish and thus find their family.
Here how it looks for one of the emigrants. As you can see you get all information needed to find her in the churchbooks.
Tolin, Elin
Hemmadotter (woman)
b. 9/5/1893
Emigrated 3/29/1912
from Edsvalla Börjestorp, Nor, Värmlands län (Värmland)
to Amerika
I use ArkivDigital for my swedish research and looking at the core family I found that Elin had 6 siblings of which 2 other sisters emigrated (1910 and 1916) .
I followed two of the six who stayed forward in time.
And found their marriage and children up to the 70 year limit.
(Data after this (currently after 1943) has to be found in other sources.)
- Simon born 1895 died 1977. I followed him in AD and found him, his wife and two children, a boy (B) born 1924 and a girl (G) 1926.
- With the help of the CD Swedish Census 1970 I searched for (B) and (G) and found them and their corresponding families.
- I can then look for (B) and (G) in the 1980 and 1990 census to see if they have married and got children after 1970.
(B) got at least one child, a daughter born 1959 and (G) a boy born 1964. - To find the current address and telephone there are two services I can use: or
I used and found both the daughter of (B) and the son of (G) with current address and telephone number. So now I am just a telephone call away. In this case they live within 30 minutes from where I live!
Ratsit is also a good source.
SvaraRaderaI ordered the Estate and Inventory (bouppteckning) for a person and don't know why but I checked in Ratsit on a person born 1923 and he was still alive and lived 3 km from me in Stockholm. Magic visiting him as his mother was the daughter of my f m m f