onsdag 11 december 2013

Technology is GREAT

Most of us have embraced the ability to search on-line, not all have found the hidden internet-services available for free.

During my evening class in geneology I got a Skype-call from a friend in Oregon, Andrea Patersson. I enjoyed her and her daughter's company last summer when I showed them around her husbands ancestral area. I also was happy to be able to help them out with information on possible living relatives in south Sweden. Andrea confirmed at this call that they had made contact and she was thrilled! Possibly this would not have been such a success if it wasn't for the new technologies.

The same comments could be made on a conversation I had today with Barry Erickson in New Zealand. His ancestors made the long trip to NZ in the 1870's and with some swedish family members and geneology friends we managed to arrange a family reunion during Barry's and his wife's  visit to Sweden .

As Barry said, thanks to e-mail correspondance and Skype he has collected a lot of information not only from Sweden but also from Australia and other places the ancestors spread to.

The GF - Genealogical Society - in Stockholm - have had two very interesting lectures on DNA-geneology. The talks were also launched on Internet at:


I guess you need to understand swedish to get the full picture.

For me both lectures gave a very good insight to the new DNA-technology. Especially their use in genealogy.

I immediately ordered a test-kit from http://www.familytreedna.com/
And now eagerly waiting for the kit to start for me a new chapter in my research.


We continue to scan and publish photos from the large collection by CE Nygren.

One example - photo by photographer Anna Ollson (One of the "accepted" professions for women before 1900 was photographer). It show Mrs. Sara Nygren born 1817 - died 1900.

In addition we also try to scan, convert to pdf and publish different publications.
The latest addition is the Telephone Directory for Karlstad 1911-1912.

You will find it at:

The method used when scanning books is described in an earlier blogpost. And we must again tell you how impressed we are of the freeware "Scantailor" which helps us to produce a nice result.

"Scan Tailor is an interactive tool for post-processing of scanned pages. It gives the ability to cut or crop pages, compensate for skew angle, and add / delete content fields and margins, among others. You begin with raw scans, and end up with tiff's that are ready for printing or assembly in PDF or DjVu file."

User guide at: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/scantailor/index.php?title=User_Guide

A video made by Joseph Artsimovich at: http://vimeo.com/12524529

söndag 8 december 2013

Demo av inscanning av foto, större än "scannerfönster"

Detta är ett exempel på hur man delscannar ett större fotografi och sedan med hjälp av programfunktion stickar/stitch delbilderna till en - utan synliga skarvar.

De fyra delinscanningarna är i original 2400x3600 pixel 24 bit 600 dpi JPEG ca 2,3 MB. Visserligen med FlipPal. men går lika bra med annan scanner.

Här de fyra inscanningarna - nerskalade till 800 pixel höga:


Och här den resulterande bilden - efter "stitch"*, bildbehandling och konvertering till s/v.
Även här är originalbilden nerskalad.
Funktionen finns i både Photoshop och Photoshop Elements och kallas "Photomerge". 

lördag 7 december 2013

Old portrait photos - with name!

Scannar in bilder från Karlstads Kommunarkiv, CE Nygrens samling. Underbart med porträttfoto som har information om den fotograferade personen.
Detta exempel är på "Demoiselle" Amalia Hultman, född 1843 i St Petersburg. Död 1867 i Karlstad. Dotter till Skräddarmästare Simon Hultman och dennes hustru Sofia Amalia Serrander. Amalia dör ogift vid 24 års ålder av "Tuberculosis Pulm." Kortet är taget 1864 av fotograf F. Renard, Carlstad.

I continue scanning the enormous collection of portrait photos collected by CE Nygren late 1800/beginning 1900.

An example is a picture of "Demoiselle" Amalia Hultgren born 1843 in St Petersburg. Parents: master tailor Simon Hultgren and his wife Sofia Amalia Serrander. Amalia dies unmarried 1867 in Karlstad at the age of 24 years from "Tuberculosis Pulm." The picture was taken in 1864 by photographer F. Renard, Carlstad.

torsdag 5 december 2013

Leaving DjVu

Byte av påsiktsformat DjVu 


Riksarkivet påbörjade 2003 en storskalig digitalisering av arkivhandlingar. Högupplösta bilder skapas för långtidsbevarande i filformatet TIFF och bildlagret uppgår i dag till ca 150 miljoner bilder, varav ca 70 miljoner bilder tillhandahålls på nätet.
För att göra det praktiskt möjligt att ta del av dessa bilder på nätet måste ett annat mindre bandbreddkrävande filformat användas. Riksarkivet valde att konvertera TIFF-bilderna till påsiktsformatet DjVu som utvecklades på AT&T Laboratories 1996. För att kunna ta del av bilderna måste användaren installera en gratis DjVu plug-in (insticksprogramvara) till sin webbläsare.
Den senaste tiden har det varit problem för Mac användare att få tillgång till DjVu-bilderna. Problemet beror på att företaget som utvecklar DjVu inte prioriterar nya versioner av plug-in programvaran i samma takt som Apple lanserar nya versioner av operativsystem och webbläsare. DjVu formatet har också begränsningar när det gäller att få tillgång till Riksarkivets digitala bilder från olika mobila enheter som t.ex. läsplattor.
Riksarkivet har därför påbörjat ett arbete som syftar till att byta ut påsiktsformatet DJVu. Det kommer att innebära en omfattande arbetsinsats och har därför delats in i en förstudie och ett genomförandeprojekt som är prioriterade under 2014.


National Archives began in 2003 a large-scale digitization of records. High resolution images are created for long-term preservation in the TIFF file format and image stock amounts to about 150 million images , of which about 70 million images are available online.

To make it practical to take some of these pictures on the net another less bandwidth-intensive file format have been used. National Archives chose to convert TIFF images to file format DjVu , developed at AT & T Laboratories in 1996. In order to take advantage of the images , the user must install a free DjVu plug-in (plug-in software) into their browser .

Recently, there has been a problem for Mac users to access DjVu images. The problem is because the company that develops DjVu does not prioritize new versions of the plug-in software at the same rate as Apple launches new versions of operating systems and browsers . DjVu format also has limitations when it comes to getting access to the National Archives' digital images from a variety of mobile devices such as e-readers.

The National Archives has begun work aimed at replacing DjVu . It will involve a large amount of work and has therefore been divided into a feasibility study and an implementation of projects that are a priority in 2014.

fredag 25 oktober 2013

How to make a searchable pdf of a scanned document

This is a translation of an earlier article in swedish here on Blogger.

Karlstad has a long history of learning.
High-school and senior high school has it's origin in the  15th/16th century.

Besides his targe collection of portrait photos  (6.000!), collected by  Major CE Nygren (born 1874), he was a very productive author of books in local history. (scanning and publication on Internet of some of his works has just started).

Among his publications:
"Biografiska anteckningar öfver lärjungar intagna vid Karlstads högre allm. läroverk
Approx. "Biographical notes on pupils attending the high-school in Karlstad""

The first to be scanned is the volume 1850-63,

Example of pages in the pdf-version.

The scanning of this first volume is somewhat of a pilot project and it's goal is to produce a searchable pdf-document.

To produce this pdf I have used the following /hardware/programs:

  • Epson Perfection V750 PRO
  • VueScan Scanning in "Text-mode" 300 dpi
  • Photoshop CS5 - remove some imperfections
  • Scan Tailor Final adjustment - create files for the pdf-production.
  • Acrobat X Pro. Create pdf, OCR.

The result is a PDF approx. 3,7 MB. The original is a 136 page document.  

This PDF is now published in the Album "Karlstads Kommunarkiv" at wermlandsbilder.se and can be regarded as a compliment to the portrait photo collection also in the same album. (per 20131025 610 pcs).

torsdag 17 oktober 2013

Scanning av "Biografiska anteckningar"

Karlstad har ett långt förflutet som lärdomsstad.
Läroverk och gymnasium har funnits sedan 1500/1600-talet.
Se artikel av Lektor Karl-Åke Mossberg.

Förutom den stora samling av porträttfoto (6.000 st) som Major CE Nygren samlade (scanning och utläggning på nätet pågår), var han en mycket flitig författare av hembygdslitteratur.

Bland hans skrifter finns
"Biografiska anteckningar öfver lärjungar intagna vid Karlstads högre allm. läroverk"

Den första som scannas gäller Åren 1850-63,


Inscanningen av den första delen är lite av ett pilotprojekt och innebär att jag skapat ett sökbart pdf-dokument.

Vid inscanningen har jag använt följande hårdvara/program:

Epson Perfection V750 PRO
VueScan Inscanning i "Text-mode" 300 dpi
Photoshop CS5 - ta bort en del felaktigheter
Scan Tailor Finjustera slutresultatet, skapa underlagsfiler för pdf.
Acrobat X Pro. Skapa pdf, OCR.

Resultatet blir en sökbar pdf på ca 3,7 MB. Originalboken är på 136 sidor.  

Detta dokument finns nu utlagt i Karlstads Kommunarkivs album på wermlandsbilder.se och kan ses kan ses som ett komplement till de porträttbilder som finns där (per 20131016 ca 430 st)

fredag 20 september 2013

More speed to computer

A bit frustrated from the slow start and stop of my Win 7 installation I decided to buy a SSD-unit (SolidStateDisk).

The SSD is like a big USB-memory. It's solid state - no moving parts and can replace the ordinary HD with it's spinning set of discs.

Since I have a lot of programs on my "old" C: I bought the largest SSD - a SANDISK Ultra Plus 256 GB.

I searched for info how to replace the HD with the SSD and there were plenty of descriptions on how to do it.

I decided to buy the SSD Conversion Kit which includes an adapter cable which connects the SSD to USB. The program EZ Gig IV from Apricorn made it a breeze to clone the C: (and D:) to the SSD. I could not fins a way to clone only the C:.

Now all I needed to do was to stop the computer, move the cables from the old HD to the SSD and restart. The difference was significant. Much quicker start of Windows and of programs were noted.
I guess its almost like getting a quicker CPU ...

Also when I was at it, I made a backup to an older HD which was showing signs of ageing. I replaced the old one with a 2TB unit. Today HDs are cheap!

Pictures in Facebook vs GPlus vs Blogger

I just scanned envelope No 430 from a collection of 6000 cabinet card photos.


The photos are kept at the Karlstads Kommunarkiv. They were collected by CE Nygren in Karlstad and all are with names and often with information about the person. This is what I know quite uncommon since many photos of this kind are lacking identity.

The project is well under ways and scanning is made by people at the archives but also by external voluntaries like myself. Today we have scanned about 1000 pictures and we are preparing to put them online in our searchable database at http://www.wermlandsbilder

I just found out some disturbing facts:
IPTC-information for each scanned picture which has been part of the job is stripped by Facebook when you publish on Facebook. And also when you add a picture into Blogger (just found out).

BUT another reason to use GPlus - IPTC is kept intact and the main information is used besides the picture:
You have to remember that some programs does strip the IPTC when you make adjustments or conversions. Test your program when you convert like we do from TIFF to JPG before publishing.

lördag 24 augusti 2013

Family Tree on a Roll - 100 ft long.

Jan Hultberg in Köping, Sweden has placed 41 000 individuals, all relatives and all married into the family, in one box each. Each box is coupled to others - ancestors downwards, descendents upwards.
Some of the lines are up to 15m (49 ft) long. The original A4-page from 1989 has grown quite a bit and the end result is quite impressive - 30 m (100 ft) long and 2,5 m (8 ft) high.


måndag 19 augusti 2013

Naming of a child born out of wedlock.

One of the persons with swedish ancestors I have tried to help is +John beckstein.
His ancestors are from the province of Dalsland in SW Sweden. My family lived in that area in the beginning of the 80's.

During his research John became aware of a book titled "Järboadeln" - The Järbo nobility. In this book there is an interesting discussion about the father of a child born out of wedlock.

Note: I went to school in Vänersborg at the same time as Sune Regeskog, the son of the author. And Sune was our daughter Annika's teacher when we lived in Dals-Rostock.

Since I made a translation from the original (with some corrections by John) I thought it would be nice to publish this discussion and give you an insight to  swedish customs during the 19th century.

Paulina Persdotter Svinhufvud born 1838 in Ödskölt, Dalsland province. Mother Britta Nilsdotter, born 1814.

The original birthdocument. Steneby C:6 (1830-1859) Picture 21. From ArkivDigital.
From left to right: Serial No; Birth and christening date; Mothers title and name; Her adress; WItnesses; Mothers age; Child's name. Comment. Besides the name Paulina it says "oägta" = Born out of wedlock. 
When a child was born out of wedlock in older times there was no law that the father´s name should be mentioned in the church book. Not even the mother was obliged to give his name. If the child was left to another caretaker or to a children´s home, it was not uncommon that no relative was noted; the child was totally anonymous. 

When the father´s name is not stated, it often is a married man or so called "person of rank". But honor said that you should provide support for the child as well as the mother. The worst case was when the father was without means. It is often said that in older times the master took advantage of their hired women. Judging from Järbo church books and tradition this was very unusual and for obvious reasons. 

The man´s wife, family, relatives etc. could not accept out-of-marriage activities. It took a toll on the economy and family honor. And it was against the sixth commandment. Extra-marital relations were accepted in the farm society, however before marriage you "slept on faith and promise". It was highly disgraceful for a man to abandon a girl who carried his child. If the man was married the situation for the mother was of course difficult. 

Before Christian times when polygamy was accepted, a woman who became pregnant by a married man automatically was a concubine - member of the family. The concubine children were entitled to inheritance just as the children to the first wife. So you can guess that the man thought about it twice before engaging in a love-affair. The woman also knows what could follow. For the children of this situation without a doubt were all treated equally. There were no so called "false" children born out of wedlock. Within Islam which rests on biblical foundation, the same family pattern exists. The classification into "true" and "false" children is linked to Christianity and thus the western cultural pattern. It can be noted that Christ never used the expression "false" children. 

The church and its representative members never thought a child born out of wedlock as a second class human. When the birth book said "oäkta"(out of wedlock) it means that the mother was not married. "Oäkta" just indicated the civil status and does not represent any moral basis of valuation.

Around the years 1800 to 1900 about half of the women getting married were in "the family way" and the number was about the same in Järbo. This fact was never brought forward from the pulpit or in any protocols. When a woman expecting a child was abandoned by the father the shame was upon the man and not the woman. She was facing "Olycka" (bad luck) and most of these unlucky women were later married. They had been taught by experience that when a married man of means had a child with an unmarried woman, honor dictated that he should pay his way. 

One way was to "buy" another father to the child or in proper time, with the girls consent get her married to a bachelor keen on getting married, Of course with some amount of compensation, either a sum of money, a crofter's holding or a farm. From the few cases I know of, this was a bad solution in the long run. Jealousy and feelings of inferiority came into the picture. From the start a good and able farmhand could be developed into a real monster as husband. He was after all a bought husband. 

How W. Svinhufvud, Britta and her father, farmer Nils Olofsson on the neighbouring farm Brandserud, solved the love-affair are not known. The child, Paulina Persdotter, born 1838 in Ödskölt, indicates that the father was Per and from Ödskölt. The father is thus not indicated as "unknown", which was the standard procedure, when a "man of lineage" had a child with a "woman of the people". 

Ten years after the birth of Paulina, Britta married the soldier Petter Pettersson Häll, see Hult. Petter was the son of crofter Petter Olofsson at Djuret under Önne. He was born in 1794 in Ödskölt, married to Elin Persdotter born 1793, daughter to soldier Per Dalman, Råberg.
It is possible that this Petter Olofsson from Ödskölt married to Elin Persdotter was involved getting a named father to Britta Nilsdotter's daughter Paulina. Petter was born 1824, ten years younger than Britta. 

There are no protocols, family chronicles or traditions, which indicates any controversies between the families. Paulina was fully aware that W. Svinhufvud was her father. Two of her own children had the same name as two of his children, Elisabeth and Fromholt. Probably there was "true love" between the captain at Önne and the farmer's daughter Britta. 
Britta's brother, parish clerk and organist Jonas Nilsson Branzell was a multitalented person and also said to be a handsome and warmhearted person. Probably Britta possessed the same qualities. 

Besides Wilhelm Svinhufvud, no other possessor of the captain’s residence was known for love affairs with the female servants or other females in the area. It is a fact that "Döbeln" had children with his housekeeper. But neither was married and the relationship lasted a lifetime and thus more similar to today’s common-law wife. From the beginning, the marriage was of no concern to the church. It was more of a juridical matter; a lifelong contact between the betroved couple and with the blessing of their respective parents. 
Paulina was a first name of almost noble character at this time. That the priest accepted the name at the christening indicates that he knew the name of the father of the child. It cannot be ruled out that W. Svinhufvud himself came up with suggestion for name to his daughter.   

lördag 17 augusti 2013



De flesta som har en digitalkamera kanske vet att med en tagen bild sparas automatiskt s.k. Exif-data.
Praktiskt innebär Exif-specifikationen att bildfakta registreras och lagras automatiskt i bilden för att sedan kunna användas vid t ex arkivering eller bearbetning av tagna bilder.

Utöver Exif-data Varför inte börja med att i bildfilen lägga in "metadata" - IPTC-information - när du ändå "håller på." OBS! Vissa redigeringsprogram tar bort denna information vid redigeringen!
Saxat från http://www.fotoord.se

"IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) är en organisation som standardiserar informationsutbyte mellan nyhetsbyråer och media. De har tagit fram en standard för hur bilder ska märkas (metadata). I IPTC märkningen ingår fält som datum, fotograf, copyright, plats, ort, land, rubrik, bildtext, nyckelord, instruktioner mm. Det har nyligen tillkommit fält med kontaktinformation till fotograf och bildbyrå."

Väldigt många bildbehandlingsprogram stödjer IPTC-standarden. Detta gör att om du märkt bilderna med information om motivet så kan bilddatabaser, redaktionssystem, webgallerier, och andra bildbehandlingsprogram läsa och visa denna information. IPTC-information sparas som ett textfält inne i bildfilen. I med att fler och fler programstödjer XMP, vilken är en ny standard för lagring av metadata tillkommer en hel del metadata utöver IPTC-standarden. Nyare Photoshop lagrar IPTC-informationen som XMP. IPTC-informationen kan läggas in i filer som JPEG, TIFF, EPS, PDF.

I bl.a. Photoshop Elements kan du se och redigera IPTC-informationen under Arkiv->Filinfo (File->

Exempel på Metadata:

Du kan göra en mall som innehåller "standarduppgifterna" så att du inte behöver mata in dessa varje gång.

FÖrresten: du vet väl att du kan komprimera en TIFF-fil med LZW. Denna komprimering är förlustfri, dvs inga detaljer tas bort. Se http://goo.gl/vYuZVa

Varför IPTC?

All information följer med filen.
Du kan infoga copyright-information.
Du kan märka filen (t.ex. Alster)
Filen blir sökbar- även på IPTC-data. T.o.m. Google ger sökträffar på metadata


När man lägger in bilder med metadata på nätet eller redigerar dom så kan ibland metadata raderas.
T.ex. Facebook plockar bort dessa. Då kan ett pålagt vattenmärke vara lösningen. 

IPTC i utforskaren

Det går faktiskt att använda Windows utforskare (åtminstone i Win7) för att lägga till metadata:


lördag 10 augusti 2013

Bilder från SVAR

SVAR har för sina bilder valt att använda en komprimering "DjVu".

Komprimeringen är mycket bra - betydligt bättre än pdf, dvs mindre fil för samma läsbarhet. Jag har själv använt denna teknik för att skapa dokument.

Här finns flera exempel:  http://hembygd.nyed.se/dokument/site_b_dokument.htm

För att se en DjVu-fil måste man ha ett tilläggsprogram till sin webläsare, en s.k. plugin.
Du hämtar plug-in här

SVAR har valt att i sin plugin-version ta bort funktioner. Man kan t.ex. inte spara den DjVu-fil man tittar på. Bara skriva ut den.

När man är inne på en av de databaser som finns -  t.ex. Arméns porträttsamling - kan det vara trevligt att spara bilder som en jpg på hårddisken.

Här kommer en snabbinstruktion (min plug-in är engelsk):

Öppna sidan med önskad person
Zooma in med 'förstoringsglaset' så att den bild du vill ha är så stor som möjligt.
Högerklicka på bilden och välj 'Selection'
Med hjälp av musen "Select region" = Välj område=Bild
Högerklicka igen - välj "Selection - copy".

Nu finns bilden i datorminnet. Du kan klistra in den i olika program. T.o.m. Paint duger. Spara sedan i valfritt format - lämpligen jpg.

Eftersom jag en längre tid använt detta program (Gratis - svensk version) så kan det vara lämpligt att visa ytterligare ett sätt att skapa en jpg (eller pdf) från ett DjVu-dokument.

Programmet hämtar du här

När du installerat programmet så finns nu Bullzip PDF printer som ett skrivaralternativ.
Men programmet kan förutom skriva till en pdf-fil även skapa en jpg-fil.

I exemplet ovan väljer man istället för att kopiera - skriv ut. Man väljer Bullzip som skrivare och när man får upp "Skapa fil"-menyn. Man kan välja vilken fil-typ man önskar samt under varje filtyp olika inställningar.  


After watching the episode of Caroline Pointers "What's Up Genealogy? Show" with Denise Levenick, the Family Curator I took a look on some of our family heirlooms.

Example 1:

From my mothers side - she was adopted at the age of 4 - I have quite a precious and old heirloom from her adopted family.

It's a sliver spoon.

The text reads "Gifwen af Kongl. Comm. Collegio
till Pigan Johanna Olofsdotter i Timerås Socken
för fin Linne Spånad."
Approx. translation: " Given by the Royal National Board of Trade
to maid Johanna Olofsdotter in Timrå parish
for excellent linen production"

During the period 1768-1771 the woman in each parish who spun the finest linen yarn, suitable for premium fabric was awarded a silver spoon.

Besides this inscription all swedish silverware have stamps
On the photo above the L would suggest production year 1769.
The three crowns that it's made in Sweden.
The next could be the sign for Stockholm, the place where the silversmith Daniel Lundström was active between 1751-1788.

I have tried to establish a family connection between my adopted grandparents and this Johanna, but so far no luck.

Example 2:

My father Sven Gerhard born 1913 - died 1995 was quite a smoker. I always remember him with a pipe like in these pictures. The first from 1943, the second around 1970

His entire collection of well smoked-in pipes are kept as a memory - not just in a positive way but also as a  reminder of his last years suffering from COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

måndag 8 juli 2013

Dalaturism 1905 - ett debattinlägg

Vid gårdagens utflykt till Alkvetterns Loppis söder om Munkfors, hittade jag en billig bok (10:-) - Svenska Turistföreningens årsbok 1905.

Trevlig och omväxlande sommarläsning. Massor av bilder från forna dagar.
Jag tyckte det vär trevligt att kunna dela med mig så jag scannade in en kul artikel med min iPad och den trevliga appen CamscannerPro. Efter fotandet (programmet rätar upp och bildbehandlar, varpå resultatet i pdf-form kan sparas i Dropbox).

Bilderna är något bättre i "original" men det får man ta för att få texten bra läsbar.
Jag hittar ingen möjlighet att spara pdf direkt här i Blogger så det får bli en länk till pdf-en (3MB):



söndag 19 maj 2013

Test with Blogger app on My iPad

Well I do not like the auto correct feature. So I just switched it off.
Here is a picture just taken on the back of our house.
Temp. Is above 20C. So summer definitely herre.

As you can see the blueberries had a rough time this winter and most plants are delad.
But there are a few green fresh plants coming ...

The grass look green, but due to the fir trees moss is thriving and we kinda lost the battle.

onsdag 10 april 2013

Scanning - some tests

In a comment in DearMYRTLE's community on G+ I mentioned that we have been offered to take part in a scanning project - 6.000 portrait photos from around 1900. 

Scanning should be for archival storage.
600 or 400 dpi, 24 bit color, TIFF-file with LZW-compression is under consideration.
Metadata should be included in the file.

I did some tests with my EPSON V750 PRO scanner and perhaps they could be of use for others.
I plan to do the scan from within my Photoshop CS5 software. 

The software which is included with the scanner is EPSON Scan but also Silverfast - a much more capable scanning program.

The EPSON scan program does not support saving with LZW-compression. However this can be done as conversion with programs like freeware IrfanView.

I did scan a sample with the EPSON - one at 400dpi and one at 600dpi.

600dpi >> 46 MB >> 32MB after LZW-compression
400dpi >> 21 MB >> 14MB after LZW-compression
The latter is my preferred method - scans quicker and takes less space on harddrive. For single scans I would choose higher resolution but for so many ....

Next test will be from within the Photoshop*.
I "Import" the file from the scanner.

I can choose to scan with the EPSON program via the WIA-support or via the VueScan-program which I also have installed.

The result is quite similar.

When I have done cropping (if necessary) I do not make any other adjustments unless quality is very bad. 

Since I want to include Metadata** I switch to File properties under Archive and can input information from a template and add information particular for this picture.

* Metadata is included "inside" the picture file and ensures that information is kept with the picture. It should be noted that some programs strip the metadata when you make changes (like changing from TIFF to JPG)

Finally I "Save as.." TIFF and tick LZW - lossless compression.

** I did check with an older Photoshop Elements 8.0 and from what I can see all steps can be made with PE.


I could not resist to try two "new" archival formats: JPEG2000 (13 years old!?) and PNG. These formats are suggested by some archival institutions.

JPF (JP2 compatible) >> 8,5MB
PNG >> 10MB

Both formats are non-destructive 

However not all programs or browsers support these formats and I am not sure they can include Metadata. 
I stick to the old faithful TIFF with a bit of LZW-spice..

A comparison between JPEG2000 and JPG . 
PNG versus TIFF 
Why you should be using LZW compression on your TIFF images.

onsdag 27 mars 2013

Day Three - Rootstech from a foreigners perspective

Finally we have the chance to have a recap of the Saturday live presentations. The very first part was quite funny however for me the next two presentations were more interesting.

Another competitor! with a online-tree MyHeritage tried to convince the audience about the uniqueness of their product. However with (what I know of) no family roots in eastern Europe or any Jewish background some of the cons did not appeal to me.

I feel more comfortable with Ancestry or perhaps the Family Search tree when it has grown a bit more. And even if I try the free software and entry offer I do not think I will spend time doing another tree. Climbing up one tree can be a happy event but climbing several could be exhausting.  

I especially liked the Denise Olson presentation on how to use Powerpoint (or similar programs) for  Digital Storytelling - there is a lot of tips in her "Moultrie Creek Gazette".

tisdag 26 mars 2013

StoryPress app - some reflexions

With more than 6000 attendants, Rootstech is probably the largest gathering of genealogical community people. A mix of volunteers and business orientated people.

I have not seen any archived version of the Saturday live stream (as of 7 o'clock PM Tuesday Swedish time). Perhaps they just forgot about it and left ...
Saturday Recap

When this recap comes I'll make some remarks about the three sessions

Dear Myrtle managed to put out some HOAs on her YouTube-channel so I can at least comment on one of them.

The most interesting interview - in my opinion - was with Mike Davis of StoryPress.com.
With the growing number of tablets around this app must attract a lot of family historians.

The app is free to use and this Beginners version is for the first 5 stories. You keep your results off-line in your tablet. I wonder how much data there is room for in my iPad?

If you want to share your data in the cloud it's a reasonable USD 49 per year. It is however not in any public cloud service - it's in StoryPress' own version and that may pose problems. "It is there for ever" is a phrase I am not comfortable with. It's kinda me not fully in control.

How can I download the result to my desktop to ensure safekeeping of my data?

I also start thinking - what about OneNote and Evernote? Couldn't you make some sort of templates and get the same results?  Both can do audio recordings.

måndag 25 mars 2013

Swedish geneological sources Part 1

In Sweden we are blessed with a bountiful of available sources for our genealogical research. In many ways Swedish research is different from other countries since we on-line have access to most records needed. And most records have survived.

The Swedish "offentlighetspricipen" written in the law, and ensures

Public access to governmental documents

We try to introduce this principle to all members of the European community but it seems many countries have problems to have this openness. You wonder what they want to hide. Often they hide behind "act of privacy".

The swedish church archives have been available on film since the 1950s. The LDS-church made a fantastic work and for many researchers made it possible to search family history up to around 1900.

Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 10 november 2010 kl. 13.49     Ancestry

The effort by the LDS resulted in a treasure chest of information and many researchers have been sitting in front of filmreaders until a company - Genline - started converting the films into digital images. Genline also made everything available as a subscription service.

In 2010 Genline was acquired by Ancestry for a sum of  approx. USD 7 million.

SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation

Also SVAR, subsidiary to the swedish national archives offers a similar service based upon the "mormon" collection but have also continued scanning of swedish material, not just churchbooks.
Most of their material is B/W but they have started with color.  


SVAR also have indexed swedish census. These are available both on CD/DVD and online.
As of march 2013 the following are available:

  • 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1970 1980 1990. Years in bold are complete, the others are just partially indexed. 1970, 1980 and 1990 only on CD/DVD

Homepage for SVAR 

In a way 2005 was the "dawn of a new era" when the company ArkivDigital entered the arena.
They brought in new technology - using digital camera, they produced first on CD, later on-line color images of documents with very good quality. In many cases much more readable than the older b/w pictures. Today they have about 40 million color images covering various kinds of historical documents such as church records, court records and inventory of estates.
An example of available images for Värmlands county where I live.

ArkivDigital have a very good software for these OS: Windows, Mac and LINUX. And they just released an iPad-version. And there is a demo version for download.

ArkivDigital expanding in North America
Pressrelease published2013-02-13

Even if I subscribe to SVAR and Ancestry, ArkivDigital is my preferred source for my swedish research.

Another coming blog will address a collection of free online sources for research in Sweden.