fredag 25 oktober 2013

How to make a searchable pdf of a scanned document

This is a translation of an earlier article in swedish here on Blogger.

Karlstad has a long history of learning.
High-school and senior high school has it's origin in the  15th/16th century.

Besides his targe collection of portrait photos  (6.000!), collected by  Major CE Nygren (born 1874), he was a very productive author of books in local history. (scanning and publication on Internet of some of his works has just started).

Among his publications:
"Biografiska anteckningar öfver lärjungar intagna vid Karlstads högre allm. läroverk
Approx. "Biographical notes on pupils attending the high-school in Karlstad""

The first to be scanned is the volume 1850-63,

Example of pages in the pdf-version.

The scanning of this first volume is somewhat of a pilot project and it's goal is to produce a searchable pdf-document.

To produce this pdf I have used the following /hardware/programs:

  • Epson Perfection V750 PRO
  • VueScan Scanning in "Text-mode" 300 dpi
  • Photoshop CS5 - remove some imperfections
  • Scan Tailor Final adjustment - create files for the pdf-production.
  • Acrobat X Pro. Create pdf, OCR.

The result is a PDF approx. 3,7 MB. The original is a 136 page document.  

This PDF is now published in the Album "Karlstads Kommunarkiv" at and can be regarded as a compliment to the portrait photo collection also in the same album. (per 20131025 610 pcs).

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