fredag 31 januari 2014

DNA-forskning. GEDCOM >> EXCEL

För att kunna extrahera data ur en GEDCOM-fil hittade jag programmet GEDxlate:
Jag skapade en GEDCOM-fil (ANSI) och laddade upp i GEDxlate.
Man väljer vilka uppgifter som skall in i Excel.

Valde Surname, Birthplace (Death Place onödig) och klickade på Excel-ikonen. Filen skapades och efter lite fixande i Excel fick jag en användbar efternamnslista.

söndag 19 januari 2014

Geneaology Helpdesk

Today I will take part in an interesting test.

A small group of geneaologists on the US east coast with swedish heritage will have a meeting this afternoon.

I will participate using Internet/hangout. I can verbally interact with the participants and also show/share my screen. 
This first trial has no specific agenda - more a of a test since it is a new for some of us.  

If it proves useful, it may develop into something more permanent.

Any comments are welcome!

"Alsterolle" - Olle Andersson

A follow-up

The test was quite successful even if the equipment used was not optimal.

Ken Nelson used his laptop and my picture and screenshare was shown via a video projector.
For the next venue, Ken will try to have a separate omnidirectional microphone and perhaps a webcamera on a stand. 

It is really not necessary for me to see the people attending and to transmit video takes a chunk of the bandwidth and CPU-use on the laptop.

We may also test Skype to see if the screenshare works better.

Addition: I did a test with my friend Tommy (on the island of Gotland) and found out that the Hangout with video ON takes a lot of CPU-power. My test shows a 90% CPU strain compared to 30% in Skype.  I do not remember if this was the case in the first hangouts I did. Perhaps they have incorporated too many new functions in later versions !?  So a laptop with 2GB CPU or less have to struggle and feels better with video OFF in a hangout.    

fredag 10 januari 2014

How to get pictures out of ArkivDigital

Many like myself not just note the document reference but also save the document as an image from the book in question.

Here an example:
Östra Göinge häradsrätt FIIa:91 (1860-1861) Image 6840 / page 604 (AID: v158978.b6840.s604, NAD: SE/LLA/10083) - en estate inventory- first page.
A "full page" screen save with CTRL+S produces what you see on the screen - you can zoom in on a particular part - I choose to see the full page:

However by rotating the page in AD 90 degrees and zoom in I get a much better full page and it's easy to turn it back in a suitable program. There is a difference in quality!